Senior Tanzim terrorist arrested

Senior Tanzim terrorist arrested

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    Background information
    The arrest of Imad  Maazuz Ali Akuba, senior operative of the Tanzim terrorist infrastructure in Nablus

    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    During a joint arrest activity of IDF forces and the ISA in Nablus in the early morning hours, forces arrested Imad  Maazuz Ali Akuba, 29 years old, resident of Nablus, a senior operative of the Tanzim terrorist infrastructure in Nablus. Akuba was responsible for manufacturing explosive belts and devices, as well as recruiting, dispatching and directing suicide bombers to carry out suicide bombings, infiltrations, shooting and explosive device attacks against Israeli targets.

    March 2002 – Akuba was responsible for the manufacturing of an explosive belt given to a suicide bomber who was dispatched by Akuba to carry out a suicide attack at the entrance to Ariel. In attack 10 Israeli civilians and IDF soldiers were wounded.

    January 2003 – Akuba together with Hamas and PFLP operatives, planed an attack in the area of the DCO (district coordination office) in Hebron.

    June 2003 – Akuba recruited a terrorist who was supposed to carry out a suicide attack in a restaurant in the city of Holon. The attack was not carried out.

    January 2004 – Akuba directed a suicide bombing together with Islamic Jihad operatives, when the target of the attack was either Tel –Aviv or Jerusalem. The suicide bomber exploded before reaching his destination, in the area of Ginspot, near Emanuel in a "work accident".

    February 2004 -  Akuba was responsible for recruiting  a suicide bomber  who was supposed to meet Tanzim operatives  in the Jenin area, who were to dispatch him to carry out an attack.

    March 2004 – Akuba directed a terrorist cell from the village of Amatin, near Kalkilya in order to carry out a shooting and grenade attack at a bus in Emanuel. In addition, Akuba also planned to attempt and carry out other explosive device attacks, with explosives carrying blood infected by the AIDS virus.